Contact Marianne Nolte for more information
about Classes or to Register

The Education Team ~ Marianne Nolte, Prabha Werner and Mary-Lou Giacomelli (not pictured)

2025 Education Schedule

We have a fun line up of learning opportunities next year! Here’s what’s planned so far. Stop by the Education table or email us to sign up or get more information.

  • Jan 15 (10-11am) – Trunk show of String Quilts (Chris MacDonald); no cost — Please sign up so we know how many to expect
  • Jan 22 (10:30-12:30, Feb 5 (10:30am-2pm) — Collage to Quilt 2-part class (Nancy Wilcox); $20 — Sign ups have begun
  • Feb 5 and Mar 5 (10:30am-3pm) — Beginning Quilting Basics 2-part class (Barbara Davis) $25 — Sign ups have begun
  • April 2 10:30am-4pm) – Make and Donate dog-walk poop bags (Janet Lenfant)
  • April 23 (10am-4pm) – Kawandi Quilts (Martha Scott)
  • May 7 (10:30am-4pm) – Make and Donate 3-ring binder pouches (Janet Lenfant)
  • June 18 (10am-4pm) – Singer Featherweight Maintenance (Tara Sivilli)
  • July 2 and 23 (10am-4pm) – Stack & Whack 2-part class (Tahni Warner Brotherton)
  • August 6 (10:30am-noon) – Lecture: Journey into Quilting and Dimensional Thread Painting (Joyce Hughes – national author and instructor)
  • September 3 (10am-4pm) – Dimensional Thread Painting Workshop (Joyce Hughes – national author and instructor)
  • October through December — To be determined.

2024 Education Schedule

Click on any highlighted links for more information about the class

January 3, 2024 Impromptu Quilt with Suzan Baranowski 

January 24, 2024 Quilt As You Go with Serena Mylchreest 

Feb 7, 2024 Portrait Class with Gladis Marr 

Feb 14, 2024 Portrait Class, day two after meeting

Feb 21, 2024 Portrait Class 

March 6, 2024 Feather Weight Maintenance Tara

March 13, 2024 Long Arm Tips and Tricks with Alana Levesque

Make and Donate with Janet Lenfant ~ As many of you know, we have a quilt show each year.  We share and educate our community about quilts, and it is our major fundraiser for the year.  Our dues do not cover all of our expenses. How we make money is through donations at the door and our boutique.  To support the club, Education has set aside three months towards this goal.  It is called “Make and Donate”.  You get a free class and most, if not all the supplies to make an item for the boutique, then you can take this knowledge and make one for yourself!  These use up scraps and make great gifts.  (Win Win)

Janet, our patient teacher and previous quilting queen, has donated her time, finding items, finding free patterns links, practice making the item (she usually has great, easy hints) and the free table has the scraps if you forgot yours.  Just bring your machine, a smile and have fun with us.  She teaches all levels. (I KNOW this)

Sign-ups at the Education Desk.  No charge but we need to know how many to have the supplies. 

Questions?  See us at the desk or email Marianne.  We will have fun fun fun.

These four links will take you to pictures of the projects we will be working on.  All workshops are from 11:00-4:00, bring a lunch.

July 3, 2024 Presentation – Todd Dubay

July 24, 2024 Presentation – Teresa Duryea Wong

August 7, 2024 Embroidery with Sharon Clayton & Marilyn Williams

September 4, 2024 Make a jacket from a sweatshirt with Stephanie Swenson

October 2, 2024 Anne Davies – Japanese Notan Concept

October 23, 2024 Anne Davies – Intuitive Design Workshop

November, 2024-

December, 2024-

January 3, 2024

Impromptu Quilt with Suzan Baranowski


Cost: Free 😊 and no sign ups needed

– Sewing machine and sewing tools
– A basket/shoe box with 10-12 scraps (fat quarter or smaller size), with your name on the container
– Your lunch

– Arrive early enough to be fully set up at your station and ready to start no later than 9:45 am
– End approx 2-2:30 pm
We will be doing Impromptu quilts with Susan Baranowski.  Those of us who did it last year wanted to do it again because it was so much fun.  It was like the Great British Bake Off but with quilts!  

Here’s how it goes:

You start with a smallish basket, or shoe box or shoe box lid with your name on it. In the box find 10 to 12 scraps (fat quarter or smaller) one of these pieces you identify as your signature piece, bring beige or grey thread and your regular sewing supplies, machine etc. 

At 10 am sharp we will be given between 20 and 30 minutes (exact time will be determined that morning) to sew a couple of your scraps together then when the music starts you hand what you’ve started and your basket  over to your neighbor and you take the basket from your other neighbor for another 20-30 minutes of figuring out what you can do and sewing it before the music starts again. 

Bring your lunch, we plan on starting at 10 am so be set up ready by 9:45.  At 9:45 we will go over the rules and suggestions from last year and agree upon the rules so we can start at 10 and ending between 2-2:30 each with our own impromptu quilt top.

​Any questions, drop Marianne or Susan an email.  ​

January 24, 2024 

Quilt -As-You-Go Demonstration Serena Mylchreest ~ No Cost

Serena will be demonstrating some great Quilt-As-You-Go techniques.  A document camera will project the technique onto the screen. There is no cost by we would like for you to sign up starting January 3rd, so we know the numbers.  We will have reserved seating set up for those who sign up.

February 7, 14 after meeting & 21, 2024

Collage Portrait Class ~ Gladis Marr, Instructor ~ $135.00

This very popular class uses a collage fusing method Gladis has perfected.  You work from a photograph.  It could be a person, a beloved pet (Barbara Davis won an award at the quilt show last year with her portrait.)  This technique is applicable to various subjects.  due to the individual coaching, this class has limited seating, so sign up early.  You also have homework before the class!  

March 6, 2024

Featherweight Maintenance Class – Tara Sivilla, Instructor ~ $45.00

March 13, 2024

​After the business meeting, Alana Levesque will give a small talk on long arm quilting but mostly answer any questions that may be keeping you from using a long arm and to find out if there is interest in a class at her studio. This will be a short presentation. 

April 3, 2024

11:00-4:00, bring a lunch

Make & Donate for the Boutique at our Quilt Show in July.  Two projects available to work on.

Click on the Flyer below to enlarge it.  You will see a description of this class and links to the supplies and pattern source.

May 1, 2024

11:00-4:00, bring a lunch

Make & Donate for the Boutique at our Quilt Show in July. 

Click on the Flyer below to enlarge it and see a description of this class.

Pattern Link Here

May 22, 2024

​11:00-4:00, bring a lunch

Make & Donate for the Boutique at our Quilt Show in July.

Bucket Hat

Click on the Flyer below to enlarge it. You will see a description of this class and links to the supplies and pattern source.

June 5, 2024

11:00-4:00, bring a lunch

Make & Donate for the Boutique at our Quilt Show in July.

Project Bag

Click on the Flyer below to enlarge it and see a description of this class.

Pattern Link Here

July 3, 2024
​Presentation by Todd Dubay from Quilting in the Fast Lane. He will present Quilting and Time Lapse Photography, an artful blend.

The cost of this is covered in your membership dues.
July 24, 2024

10:30-11:30 am

Presentation by national teacher Teresa Duryea Wong: Sewing and Survival: Native American Quilts from 1880-2022. 

Teresa has published five nonfiction books on quilt history and textiles, is a staff writer for both Quiltfolk and Curated Quilts, and also contributes to Quilcon Magazine, Arts Quilt Quarterly and other magazines, was a featured artist on Quilting Arts TV, is an advisory board member of the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska, and has many years of lecture experience, including talks at the International Quilt Festival, Houston, QuiltCon, and quilt guilds across the U.S. and Canada.
Description of her talk for us:
This lecture covers a tumultuous period in Native American culture beginning in 1880, when Native lands were taken away, buffalo herds were decimated, forced relocations were happening all over North America, and the educational system changed dramatically. Indigenous
Americans spent the 1880s and next few decades learning to adapt. As Western missionary women made their way into the lives of American Indigenous communities, they introduced quiltmaking skills and provided fabric and supplies. Native American women with adept needle skills adopted Western patchwork quilts and eventually made quilts that reflected their own cultural heritage. These quilts provided an outlet for both art and survival. For the Plains communities in particular, the eight-pointed Star became a beloved and repeated pattern. Learn how the transference from sewing buffalo hides and other natural materials to quilting took place and see the beautiful quilts made in this period.

She will also be bringing along quilts to accompany her talk. We are delighted to have her speak to us. The cost of this is covered in your membership dues. 
(Note: If you are interested in getting any of her books, we have a discounted rate — an email will be sent out with the link and discount details.)

August 7, 2024

Embroidery with Sharon Clayton & Marilyn Williams

​Cost of this adventure is $5 and will be donated to community quilts.  There is an additional supply fee of $40 payable to the instructors.

In August for you experienced embroidery enthusiasts we have Sharon Clayton and Marilyn Williams embroidery team have travel on their minds. 

They will start the journey on a flying carpet made from clothesline that can be used as a mug rug when you arrive home.  A luggage tag provides information on how to behave while onboard.  There will be a journal useful to capture details. Of course, you will want to send your friends a greeting card to keep them up to date.  A jaunty citrus shaped zipper bag will hold many needed items.  

​As in previous years the team has gathered many treasured for door prizes which are sure to delight all who join to learn more about machine embroidery. 

​September 4, 2024

Stephanie Swensson will teach us how to make beautiful colorful jackets out of sweatshirts!  ​

​​There is no charge for the workshop.

October 2, 2024

Anne Davies

The word Notan is Japanese and means the balance between light and dark.  In this workshop we will discuss and experiment with positive and negative space.  The first part of the workshop will be working with paper designs in which the positive space becomes part of the negative space.  Later we will discuss how Notan can be included in our quilting designs. 

​There is no charge for the workshop.

October 23, 2024

Anne Davies: Intuitive Design Workshop

10:30 am – 2 pm
(Limit: 15 people)
No pattern…no problem! Intuitive quilting does not require a pattern, matching corners, or straight lines. It’s fun, imaginative mixing of colors to create a modern and interesting design. In this mini-workshop Anne will show you the sure fire way to combine colors to create a cohesive piece. The finished product will be a small zipper bag with your unique design.

A supply list will be provided. 

There is no charge for the workshop.

Education ~ 2023

2023 Education Team

Barbara Davis & Valley Smith

Denise Burrell & Dee Swender

OCTOBER 4, 2023 ~ 10 to 11:00

Studio 180 Design/How to Tuckerize Your Patterns Lecture & Trunk Show

With Debbie Kalenty of QUILTER’S OBSESSION




October 4, 2023 ~ 11:30 to 5:30

Debbie Kalenty, Studio 180 Design Certified Instructor
Instructor’s website at

Registration for class $60 per participant  (Nonmember $70)
Tool and pattern for sale at lecture before class.

Maximum Participants 15

Click Here for Supply List

Debbie Kalenty




YouTube Livestream Event, 6 hours of demos by some of Global Quilt Connection’s very best teachers–including our very own DAVID OWEN HASTINGS!

More information to come!





With Kristie Naranjo of Studio Kristie Shannon Brinkley Certified Instructor In the Color Confidence segment.

Kristie will discuss the two types of quilters when it comes to color, the four elements of color, and integrating the science of color with your intuition. In the Scrappy Applique segment, Kristie will introduce you to the unique raw edge applique technique where you collage your leftover scrappy fabrics to create a one of a kind project. She will share an overview of the process and provide a trunk show of different types of projects for inspiration. 

Scrappy Applique Workshop

September 6 ~ 12:30-4:30

$45.00 ~ Maximum participants 20

​In this workshop, you will learn the Scrappy Appliqué technique in a fun, engaging environment where everyone will learn the skills to confidently turn any template into an original design.

This one of a kind technique allows each person to reflect their own personality in their project by the choices made in colors, fabrics, shapes and finishing. Each person will choose any Scrappy Appliqué pattern template (there are over 150 of them), in a size small. Then, using your own fabric scraps (or precuts or yardage), learn the steps in a creative way to make a one of a kind project.

The entire process is broken into highly detailed steps including fabric selection, fusing, cutting, collaging, and finishing options. Throughout the workshop you will learn insider tips, tricks and techniques to make the process quick, easy and fun.

​Pattern templates and supplies are available at as well as a limited supply of kits and pattern sets for in person workshops.

Click here for tips & kits from Kristie

Click here for supply list


​Instructors Barbara Davis & Pam Lindquist

AUGUST 2 & 23 ~ 10:30 to 3:30

Maximum participants 15

Cost $25 OR 4 stuffed animals Non-member $35 OR $10 and 4 stuffed animals

Click here for more information and supply list

Class will be designed to teach and practice the basics of machine quilting, both free motion and with a walking foot using your own domestic machine. Joy quilts will be used to learn all steps–piecing, preparing a quilt sandwich, quilting, binding and labeling. Then you’ll be ready for a project of your own! Planning to take this class? You do not have to have EVERYTHING all at once, but you will need to have a machine and attachments for at least one of the two methods we will use. Information about additional helpful supplies will be provided as soon as Barbara has it ALL together! Spend July making sure your sewing machine is ready and that you are familiar with it. It’s great if it has been serviced and cleaned, if you haven’t used it in awhile. The manual will be helpful to have in class. If you don’t have one, it may be possible to locate it online. For FREE MOTION QUILTING, you will need to be sure your feed dog can be lowered. If it cannot, it is possible that there is a small cover that can be ordered for the throat plate that allows for free motion. You also must have a “Darning Foot”, or other as indicated in your particular machine manual. It could be called an “Open Toe Free Motion Foot.” For QUILTING WITH A WALKING FOOT, you need a special walking foot designed for your machine OR a machine that has a built in system as some Pfaffs have. 


Hawaiian Quilts Lecture & Trunk Show

August 16 ~ 10:00 to 11:00

with Connie Johnson Sayler of Pacific Rim Quilt Company



Two Fabric Applique Class

August 16 ~ 11:30 to 4:30

Connie Johnson Sayler, Instructor

Maximum 20 participants      Cost $55

Two fabrics, one spool of thread and a pattern. Connie will teach you how easy it is to make a wall hanging, and it’s quicker than you think! Using needleturn applique techniques on a 2 Fabric Applique Quilt, there are no templates, no numbering system and no positioning of small pieces.     
All skill levels are welcome. No machines needed!

Click here for supply list

Piecekeeper Project Bag

June 7 ~ 10:30 to 3:30

Janet Lenfant, Instructor

MAKE AND DONATE – Helps generate items to sell in our Quilters Boutique at the Quilt Show.

Store and carry all your project pieces or supplies in this handy zippered bag with an attached handle. Fabric quilted with Soft and Stable makes a sturdy base and the mesh front affords great visibility of contents plus a bit of added stretchiness. Download and print a pattern for use in class or at home available at

Bucket Hats

May 24 ~ 10:30 to 3:30
Janet Lenfant, Instructor
MAKE AND DONATE – Helps generate items to sell in our Quilters Boutique at the Quilt Show.
All bucket hat options have different brim and middle widths. Some have circle tops and some have oval tops. All call for ½ yard each of two colors to make (total of one yard). If you use denim or other thicker fabrics, you probably won’t need to interface any part. Janet can supply the SF101 interfacing as needed.
Links to patterns to download and print for your use as pictured:

Sweet Red Poppy Bucket Hat
Sample Size Toddler (Baby 17”-19”, Toddler 19”-20”, Child 21”-21.3”, Adult 21.3-22.75) (she has a measurement guide here to choose which size you want to make.) (to get the free pattern)

Glory Allan DIY Bucket Hat
Sample Size M (X Small 21”, Small 22”, Medium 23”, Large 24”)
You Tube: How to Sew Bucket Hat for Beginners | GA001 (Really worth watching!)  Mirage Bucket Hat DIY Free PDF download

Afternoon Bucket Hat
Sample Size L (Small 21”, Medium 22”, Large 22.5”) (can download the pattern here, also)

Apple Green Cottage Bucket Hat (my least favorite since the seams are the front and back unlike the other 3 where the seams are the sides)
Sample Size Adult (L) (XS 17-18”, S 19-20”, M 21-22”, L 23-24”, XL 24-25”)

Self Binding Receiving Blankets

May 3 ~ 10:00 to 12:00
Barbara Davis, Instructor
MAKE AND DONATE – Helps generate items to sell in our Quilters Boutique at the Quilt Show.

​Six kits are available, but members are welcome to cut their own using pre-washed and dried flannel in two coordinated colors.  You can cut in advance – one 30″ square for the front and one 40″ square for the back and fold over binding.
Several examples are available on YouTube, in case you want to work at home. Locate “Make a Self Binding Baby Blanket” with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star. She makes it look very simple and provides fabric sizes needed.

Click here for the written instructions to go with Jenny’s tutorial

Embroidery in the Hoop

May 3 ~ 9:30 to 4:00
Sharon Clayton & Marilyn Williams, Instructors

​Meets at the Lodge
Kit fee of $20 payable to Marilyn Williams
Come learn three (or maybe more) in the hoop projects using your embroidery machine. Projects include a zippered vinyl bag, a sweet holiday ornament, and an embossed towel. Possible BONUS project! And the best part…Lots of door prizes!!!
All project supplies except embroidery thread will be supplied in the kit.
Attendees will need to bring their embroidery machine and usual embroidery supplies like snips, tweezers, extra needles, filled bobbins, etc.
A thread list will be supplied prior to class.
Note:  Participants must know how to use their machines. Instructors are not machine techs and are unable to assist with machine issues.

Colorwash Wreath

APRIL 5 & 19 ~ 10:30 to 3:00
Carol Irving, Instructor
Cost $55            
Kit fee $9 (Optional for gridded fusible interfacing)
Maximum of 12 participants
Colorwash Wreath is 33” x 36” plus optional borders.  The first class is on techniques to make a colorwash quilt using the fusible grid.  Selection of fabric, preparation of squares and half-square triangles, temporary layout on the grid, and fusing to the grid are covered.  Sewing of the wreath is demonstrated, but most students will need to finish this step at home.  The second class is on options to personalize your wreath, including appliqué and border options.

Click Here For Supply List

Carol Irving’s Colorwash Wreath Sample

Reversible Boho Bags

March 22 ~ 10:30 to 3:00
Janet Lenfant, Instructor

Helps generate items to sell in our Quilters Boutique at the Quilt Show.

Participants must download a free pattern available at

Tutorial is also available at

Bosom Buddy Seat Belt Cushion

MARCH 15 ~ 10:00 to 3:00
Janet Lenfant, Instructor
No fee
  Help generate items to sell in our Quilters Boutique at the Quilt Show!
Participants must download a free pattern available at and bring it to class. Also needed is a fat quarter for the main fabric and ⅓ yard of coordinating fabric and thread. Sewing machine in good working condition required.
Janet will supply Soft & Stable fusible interfacing and hook & loop tape.

Landscape Quilt

March 1st, 2023 ~ 10:30 to 3:00

Bonnie Cauffman, Instructor
This class is a benefit for Community Quilts and a $20 donation is appreciated. 
The Landscape Quilt uses Rose Hughes’ fast-piece applique (or any method you prefer).The completed quilt measures 25” by 24”.

A simple pattern will be supplied. Landscape fabric and some greens will be available at no charge.
Participants may want to enlarge the quilt or add borders. You may work on your own pattern if desired.

Click Here for Supply List

Collage Portrait

February 8, 15 & 22, 2023

Gladis Marr, Instructor

Learn the art of creating a collage portrait using a photo as inspiration!

This class has three sessions totaling 15 hours.
FEB 8      Following the Business Meeting until 3:30
FEB 15    10:00 to 3:00
FEB 22     10:00 to 3:00
No sewing machine necessary during class. Meets at the Lodge.

​See supply list for requirements.
Cost: $135    Maximum 5 participants

Click Here For Supply List


Studio 180 Design/Tucker Tool Time Lecture & Trunk Show

February 1, 2023 ~ 10:30-12:00

with Debbie Kalenty of QUILTER’S OBSESSION


Combo Weave Class

February 1, 2023 ~ 12:30-4:30

Debbie Kalenty Studio 180 Design Certified Instructor

Registration for class $45
Combo Weave | Quilter’s Obsession (

Precutting is required before class. See supply and preparation list.  The tool is not needed for precutting and can be purchased on class day if you do not have it. 

Supply List and Preparation for Combo Weave Class

Use the list below to see what rulers you might already have or need to purchase.
Have It / Want it List

​Tools needed:
Combo Weave pattern  $11.50
Tucker Trimmer 1:  $27
Quilter’s Magic Wand: $ 8
Total is $46.50  
Class participants will receive a discount to $40 for tools.

Debbie Kalenty

Improvisational Quilt Tops

January 18, 2023 ~ 10:00 TO 3:00       

Suzon Baranowski, Instructor

This is a creative and fun experience to construct a quilt top in a group setting. It can be for any number of participants. Each person must provide the required supplies to construct a quilt top. All participants will have a quilt top by the end of the day which may be finished at one’s convenience.
There is no charge for the class. We ask that you be on time so you can set up, ready for instructions so we can start sewing by 10:30!

Click here for Supply List

Please contact Barbara Davis to let us know you want to participate or sign up at the EDUCATION table.

For Improvisational Quilts
Provided by Suzon Baranowski

This is a summary of the suggestions made by members who participated in the improvisational quilt class. 

1.  Let us agree to press seams open on everyone’s project. 

2.  Let us be flexible with our time periods and include at least 30 minutes per period.  To facilitate this, we will plan not one but two, count ’em, 2, Wednesdays in a row for our upcoming improvisational quilting class, probably 4 hours per day, maybe more.

3.  Projects must still be improvised but the use of rotary cutters and rulers and mats is allowed.  (To the extent that these tools save time and promote a flat finished product, we appreciate them.)

4.  All the fabric that we bring for our projects is in suitable quantities to be usable; selvedges are removed, “scraps” about the size of fat quarters are usable and they may be smaller but pieces as big as a whole yard or more are too big.  (Don’t bring so much fabric that people must sort through big pieces).

5.  Let us agree to have signature fabrics or not, ahead of time.  Perhaps some want them and some do not and that is a suitable answer.

6. All participants will construct the beginning patches ahead of the first meeting. This will save time in class but also allow us to create an original style (or not). Let us remember to remain improvisational and not overthink or get OCD about it. (Let’s say an hour of advance work is plenty.)

We want to remember that this is a creative process and these guidelines serve our creativity, not inhibit it!

Scrap Happy Invitation

January 11, 2023

Following the Business Meeting SCRAP HAPPIES will have our first ever sew-in on Wednesday, January 11th, at the lodge. We are taking this opportunity to invite any member who wants to join us or just visit. This is business meeting day, so we will re-arrange the tables and begin our sew-in following the meeting.

Plan on bringing any scrappy project that you would like to work on, as well as your sewing machine and essential supplies. If you don’t have a machine, you can use one of the club machines. And if you don’t want to sew, just bring some scraps to iron and/or cut to help get your scraps ready for your next project! We will be sharing tips and ideas about anything scrappy, so it promises to be a great time! Even if you are not a SCRAP HAPPIES member, plan on joining in on the fun! You are also welcome to join us in the future on any second Wednesday of the month.

Mary Bess Coordinator, SCRAP HAPPIES

Education ~ 2022

Christmas Raffle Blocks

Gladis Marr Club Christmas Block Activity – all blocks are already purchased.

Valley Smith Club Christmas Applique Block Activity – all blocks are already purchased.

Buggy Baggeze Bag

December 7, 2022 ~ 10:30-3:30  at A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe

Janet Lenfant, Instructor

$25.00  MAX 10 participants

Click here for Supply List

Beginning Free Motion Quilting

November 16, 2022 ~ 10:00-3:00

Ilse Osier, Instructor

$20.00  MAX 10 participants

Click here for Supply List

Quiltwrkx Foundation Paper Piecing

November 2, 2022 ~ 10:30-4:30

Instructor Carin Brimley

$50.00   Min 10 – Max 20 participants.

In Winter of 2019, Carin started teaching Quiltworx classes and thoroughly enjoys the excitement and support of the Quiltworx community and quilters around the world. Carin also loves the brilliant techniques and tools that Judy created that simplify and speed up the process of creating to completing quilts and she secretly has a crush on “smart corners”. Most would say that Carin’s vibrant, cheerful personality makes her easy to work with and her students love the humor and patience she brings to the classroom. She loves meeting new people and showing how easy the Quiltworx techniques are.

Pattern is Rocky Mountain Bear Claw Table Runner and two Pillows


Special Event ~ Trunk Show & Demo with Carin Brimley, Quiltwrkx Certified Instructor

October 19, 2022 ~ 10:30-12:00


Workshop with Krista Moser

October 6, 2022 ~ 9:00-3:00


Workshop will take place at KSQM, 609 W. Washington Ave, Suite 17

Pattern is Double Struck Star

Click here for Supply List

Special Event with Krista Moser at the lodge

October 5, 2022 ~ 1:00pm

Krista Moser is our featured teacher. She has published more than thirty patterns since 2016 and is the designer of the Creative Grids 60 Degree Diamond Rulers. Come learn from Krista all the tips and tricks for cutting and piecing diamonds, triangles, and hexagons in an easy, fast, and precise way. If you have been wanting to break out of the same old quilting routine and try something different, her classes will inspire confidence and equip you with new techniques.


Kamp Sew A Lot ~ September 19-23

No Education programs planned for this week

Selvage Christmas Stocking

August 31, 2022 ~ Noon at the Lodge

​Janet Lenfant, Instructor

Click here for Supply List

Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement
Following the Barn Quilt Trail

August 17, 2022  

Maximum participants 20. Reserve your spot for the workshop for $25.
Reservation price based on maximum participation.

Suzi Parron, Author

Combination Zoom and Video Workshop

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

Participants should make their selection of barn quilt pattern and plan their color scheme. Inform Barbara Davis of these pattern choices. She will acquire the board and we will prime them on July 20.      Click here to make your selection

Suzi says, “As far as the workshop itself, I talk the group through each step of the process–drawing their pattern, using tape to outline the shapes, and then three steps of painting. I have the demos on video so that I can make sure the quality is good. So I talk for a while, show a demo, answer questions, and then let everyone complete that step. Then I talk about the next step, show that demo, answer questions, and allow time. The class takes about three hours. It is easiest if people are at their homes or in small groups at different locations. That way I can see what everyone is doing.”

​Japanese Embroidered Temari Ball

Part 1: Week of August 8 via video to prepare the ball 

Part 2: August 15 (2-4 pm) at the home of Serena Mylchreest in Agnew

Serena Mylchreest, Instructor

MAX 12 participants ~ complimentary Donation to Community Quilts suggested

Introduction to Japanese Embroidered Temari balls.  Serena became fascinated by the ancient Japanese folk art of Temari about 8 years ago when she saw a viral story about the collection of over 500 Temari made by a Japanese grandmother and photographed by her granddaughter: k-went-viral

If you would like to try making a Temari ball, there will be a two-part class starting in August.

The thread wrapped ball can be made at home during the first week in August (instructions and a link to a video will be emailed) and on August 15th there will be an in-person outdoor class at Serena’s home in Agnew to learn how to mark guidelines and embroider the ball.

The class is complimentary, but you can make a donation to Community quilts if you like.

​Sign up with Barbara Davis or Rhonda Coler at the Education table on Wednesdays or on email You may also contact Seri at 360-775-6606 or if you are interested

Upside Down Machine Applique

August 3, 2022 ~ 10-3:00

Ilse Osier, Instructor

$15.00 – MAX 10 participants – at the Lodge

Click here for Supply List

A Blast From the Past! 

An incomplete retrospect of the first 20 years of Sunbonnet Sue.

July 6, 2022

By Norma & Loretta


  • Do you know who won the contest to name our newsletter? 
  • What was the year?  What was the prize?
  • Do you know who holds the record for number of years being Quilt Show Chairman? 
  • What color and style was your hair when you had your membership photo taken? 
  • Who were “Keepers of the Frame”? 
  • What year did we first have a website to advertise our show?

For those who could not attend the presentation by Loretta & Norma, here’s the link to the video: 

sunbonnet sue quilt club history presentation – YouTube  


Loretta Bilow & Norma Herbold

This Class takes place at A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe

​Inspired by Architecture

​June 29 ~ 10:30-4:30     In-Person Workshop     $75.00 per person     Maximum 12 participants

Presenter: David Owen Hastings
David will guide you through a creative process for designing your own modern abstract quilts, taking inspiration from architectural photos to develop dynamic and unique quilt designs.
MONUMENTAL INSPIRATION WITH UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES – 6 hours: Using photos of architectural elements, David will guide you through the steps to design a mini fabric quilt. We will use the quilt-as-you-go method, sewing the top pieces, batting and backing simultaneously. David will demonstrate facing your quilt, to give a more modern finish than traditional binding. Your mini quilt can be the final product (frame it, hang it, or make a pillow cover later), or it can be a test for a larger quilt.
A PDF materials and supplies list will be emailed in advance.
This workshop is 6-hours long, consisting of live instruction (no recording, please). 

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –
  • Experiment with different elemental geometric shapes, including gentle curves
  • Explore spare, simple compositions for a modern look
  • Think about figure and ground
  • Consider the sewing lines as a key design element
  • Select 1-2 photos, and break them down into elemental shapes with tracing paper and pencil
  • Assess which compositions work well, and choose one to translate into fabric
  • Discuss color and value choices and decide on a palette
  • Map out pieces for one composition
  • Label and cut out cardboard pattern pieces, or cut pieces improv style
  • Audition colors and placement
  • Translate pattern pieces into fabric, leaving a generous amount of extra fabric for seam allowances
  • Build composition with the quilt-as-you-go method, trying out multiple fabrics, stepping back to assess the effect of each
  • Discuss surface design options: stitching by machine or hand, painting, drawing
  • Watch a demo of facing a quilt for a modern look and joining finished quilt blocks
  • A complete PDF supply list with architectural photos will be emailed to each participant. Class sizes are limited to ensure one-on-one time. 

​This is an all-levels workshop. You should be comfortable using your sewing machine, and it should be in good working order. Basic knowledge of walking foot quilting is helpful, but not necessary.




Sew Sweetness Selvage Zipper Pouch

Janet Lenfant – Instructor

Make & Donate – FREE

Download free pattern @


Beginning Wool Applique and Embellishment Class

June 1st ~ 10:00-3:00    Cost $40 includes one kit    Class size limited to 10

*Bring small scissors, thimble if used and sack lunch.

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

We will use the Sue Spargo pre-cut butterfly kits to learn how to applique the wool pieces to the background. Then we will embellish the butterfly with embroidery stitches using different weights of pearl cotton.

There are 4 colors of kits to choose from. The kits include:

  • 6″ x 6″ mill dyed wool background
  • pre-cut mill dyed wool appliqué pieces
  • whipstitch and stitch placement diagrams
  • quick reference, illustrated, embroidery stitch card
  • Genziana wool thread for appliquéing
  • Eleganza pearl cotton threads for embellishments
  • A sampler pack of needles.

Raggedy Plaid – Make & Donate with Chris McDonald


May 4 ~ 10:30 – 1:30.

In person at the Sequim Masonic Lodge – MASKS REQUIRED. 
Instructor – Gladis Marr   

Minimum 4 participants, no maximum @ $15 per person. Written instructions will be provided to attendees.  For this class we’ll be making trivets with a twist to the traditional folded star design. These trivets are fun, useful, and make great gifts. You probably already have all the supplies you’ll need for this class including your creative sense of fun.

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

Click Here for Supply List


This Class takes place at A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe

Modern Machine Quilting

Peggy St. George, Instructor

April 20, 2022 ~ 11:00 to 3:00

A Stitch In Time Quilt Shoppe 

Modern Machine Quilting
Are you ready to quilt that modern quilt top but not sure how to get started?  Baffled by the negative space? Come and learn how to finish that top using a walking foot .  You will learn about needles, thread, batting, basting your quilt tops, and how to manage the bulk of a quilt during the quilting process, how to “ditch”, and easy yet effective designs.  Bring a quilt top to class for ideas on how to quilt it.  The class project will be a small sample that will get you on your way to completing your own quilt tops!

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

The supply list has been revised – please download the new one below

Click Here for Supply List


April – Beginning Paper Piecing – Forest Abstractions – SNAIL

Mary Syme, Instructor

April 6, 2022 ~ 10:00 – 3:00

IN PERSON at the Masonic Temple – Minimum 3, Maximum 8 – MASKS REQUIRED
$35 per participant

Sign up on Wednesdays between 10:30-11:30 at the Masonic Temple or by Email  ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

Click Here for Supply List

March – Retreat Bags ~ Make and Donate Class

March 30 ~ 11:30-3:30

Janet Lenfant, Instructor

Janet will make up kits (some with fabric and zippers and some with just the interfacings) and bring her press to make it easy to apply interfacing and fusible fleece.  Janet will walk you through the process and show a cool way to make the zipper ends. If you cut your own fabrics, cut the fabric for the 2 zipper ends at 2 ½” x 4” each.
Janet will donate the wire frames for the donated retreat bags.

Click Here for Supply List

March – Crazzy Critters ~ Make and Donate Class

March 30 ~ 10:30-11:30

Pam Lindquist, Instructor

​Pam will be instructing how to make Crazy Critters on March 30 for Make & Donate


Crazy Critter Patterns:

Pattern A

Pattern B

Pattern C

March – Call Me – Name Tag/Cell Phone Bag

​Janet Lenfant, Instructor

March 23 ~ 12:00 – 3:00

Keep everything handy in this lightweight 7 1/4″H x 4 3/4″W bag.  Vinyl, mesh and a zippered fabric pocket will hold a name tag or ID card, phone and credit cards or cash.  A fabric strap, whose length is determined when binding the edges, can be customized to wear around the neck, over the shoulder or crossbody.

​Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

Click Here for Supply List


March – Lecture: Minimal Design, Maximum Impact

IN-PERSON (masks required) and on ZOOM ~ 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Presenter: David Owen Hastings

The modern quilting movement is evolving and changing, but one thing remains consistent: simple, spare design combined with thoughtful quilting make an outstanding combination.

David is a modern quilter, graphic designer, print and textile artist, and was the 2020 President of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild. He creates richly layered contemporary artwork and modern minimal quilt and textile designs. For over 20 years, David has exhibited his stitched paper artwork in galleries and juried shows and worked exclusively with nonprofit organizations on their branding and communications.
David’s creative approach to modern quilting has led to a busy schedule of workshops and lectures on quilting, branding for artists, fine art and textile techniques. Sharing knowledge, encouraging creativity, and teaching new skills are personal passions. He also loves to travel, especially in Asia, and enjoys sharing his experiences and inspiration through travel photos and stories. 

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –


March – Coil Baskets

March 2 ~ 10:00 to 2:00

Instructor ~ Anne Davies

In person at the Masonic Temple -$20.00 per person – Mask Required
Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair – or on Wednesdays at the Masonic Temple from 10:30 to 11:30.

If you ever wondered how to use fabric that is no longer “interesting” or not quite enough to make a quilt, here is the answer. Cutting fabric into 1″ strips and coiling baskets is easy and a quick solution. These baskets have multiple uses and are perfect for gifts. They are washable and can be made in two different shapes, oval or round.

MATERIALS: clothesline (Walmart is the best), thread, heavy duty (jeans) needle, fabric cut in 1″ strips, two straight pins

REQUIRED: sewing machine with zigzag stitch


February- Japanese Treasure Box

Learn to Construct a Fabric Covered Box!   

​Instructor ~ Janet Lenfant

February 16 – 10:00-3:00   Class will be held at the Sequim Masonic Temple – MASKS REQUIRED!

Class fee is $40.00, which includes the kit to make 2 boxes.  Participant maximum 12, minimum 6.

Sign up ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair – or in person
​on Wednesday at the Masonic Temple


Instructor ~ Carol Irving

February 2 ~ 10:30 to 12:00
March 2 ~ 13:30-12:00

In person MASKS REQUIRED                 

The February 2 Education meeting at the Masonic Temple is a complimentary class led by Carol Irving. She will provide a lesson on fabric selection for a Mystery Quilt. Participants will use a variety of tools to select fabrics along with the phone camera to use black and white to check contrast. You may bring fabrics to audition for your mystery quilt project.

As part of the mystery, 5 clues will be given along with instructions in the Scraps newsletter beginning with the February edition. Information will also be available on the website and our Facebook page. See the attachment for general information about the initial project, fabric suggestions and yardages. Let us know you’re coming! RSVP ~ Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair –

Supply List & Cutting Instructions

Mystery Clue #1

Mystery Clue #2

Mystery Clue #3


Mystery Clue #4

Mystery Clue #5

Mystery Quilt Solution

January – Back Basting Applique

Start the New Year by participating in our January Class

January 5 & 19 – 11:00-1:00   Two session hybrid class 
will be provided in person at the lodge and via Zoom for a maximum of 15 participants. There is no charge for the class.

Linda Huggins will teach us to use the back basting applique method to construct a beautiful heart wall hanging as featured in the December newsletter. 
The enlarged pattern, instructions and supply list will be provided and available to be picked up on Wednesday, December 29 at the lodge.
Participants will provide their own fabrics and sewing supplies.  A light box is helpful if available to copy the pattern to the background fabric.

Email Barbara Davis, Education Co-Chair – or Rhonda Coler, Education Co-Chair – to sign up and indicate whether you will meet in person or on Zoom. Additional details can also be provided upon signup.

Click here for Thread List

                            Click here for Supply List